Lately I have only been using one Peaches and Creme yarn, which I love because it's 100% cotton and they come in a multitude of pretty colors! I am also a fan of Sugar and Cream yarn, which seem identical to the Peaches and Creme, except that they are seriously lacking in the diversity of colors. So it seems the only store that sells this type of yarn is of course Loopy Yarns, which used to be great and made me all sorts of happy...that is until the past month and a half. Now the people in the store area always so nice and helpful and when their stock of Peaches and Creme started dwindling, and my Etsy sales were jumping, I kindly asked if and when they are replenishing their stocks of oh-so-pretty yarn because I was on a mission to keep my store nicely stocked. Now they've said the new shipment was coming a week later and I promptly returned only to find it still empty. I gave them another 2 weeks and came back to see it still bare and asked again whether their stock was coming in, in which they answer: it's definitely coming in the next monday. Of course I went back and there's no yarn and waited 3 more weeks and no yarn! I tell you, I don't think I can handle going back in there one more time to come out disappointed.
So here's to ordering my own yarn and never setting foot in that place again!
Booooo to you Loopy Yarns!! Boooooo!!